Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 9


  • I spent time editing a part of the Treatment Report.  
  • No edits were made to the site, except for the addition of a team meeting update.
Task at hand: Team Website- 50% Complete
  • I worked on the assessment questionnaire.  
  • The instructional strategy was added to the site.
Task at hand: Team Website- 50% Complete
  • I have been going over assessment questions that may need to be asked. 
Task at hand: Team Website- 50% Complete
  • I worked on the 15/5s.
  • The treatment report needed to be reuploaded.
  • I updated my hours on the Timeline. 
Task at hand: Team Website- 50% Complete
  • I made the final weekly touches to the website. 
  • Team meeting page was revised.
Task at hand: Team Website- 50% Complete
Total hours for the week: (About) 4 Hours 


  • What did I do? I updated the site and worked on the assessments for the product.
  • What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals? The goals for this week mostly regarded getting the assessments ready for the booklet. I met my goals by working with David and Steve by discussing what needs to be addressed.
  • When did I do this before? Where could I use this again? I will continue to use this site throughout the semester, as well as in the future. Assessments are a main component in being a successful product, so it is important to know how to maintain assessments. 
  • Do I see any patterns or relationships in what I did? I have my usual pattern of deadline following. This is a continuing pattern that I use daily at work and here in class. 
  • How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?  My calendar of deadlines is continuing to work for me, as far as the website and revisions. I keep a log in a notebook, and yet I keep forgetting that I have to have everything posted. This is a major need of improvement. 
  • What should I do next? What's my plan / design? My next step is to upload the documents for the Evaluative Report. I also need to add another design documentation page.

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